Saat Hidup tidak lagi bersahabat dengan kita... Tetap lah "pegang erat Tangan Tuhan" Jangan pernah kau berpaling dari NYA, sebab TUHAN lah sumber pertolongan kita kemarin, hari ini , besok dan untuk selama-lama nya...

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Tuhan Tak Pernah Mengeluh

oleh Silvinus Sapomo pada 23 September 2011 jam 18:45
There is a tendency today for many Christian life especially from denomination churches
to focus on the risen Lord rather than on the crucified Christ.
Perhaps we often hear other Christian describing themselves as easter people or something like that.
Through the holy gospel today
Luke insists that the greatest thing in our faith is the death of Christ on the cross.
In his second prediction Jesus solemnly announces that
he will be handed over into the power of humans.
But his disciples were not ready yet for this.
They did not understand what Jesus was saying.
It was hidden from them and they could not see it.
At the same time they were affraid to ask him.

The cross is a stumbling block for many of us.
Often when we approeach it we either trip and fall or we choose to avoid or ignore it.
it is not is easy for us to take up the cross.
However, our call to be Christian, in the catholic church,
is a call to embrace the cross and to discover its rich meaning for our lives.
Only in embracing the cross we can experience the full meaning and power of the ressurection.
We are the new disciples of the Lord today.
Let us keep our faith and believe in him who was died on the cross to save us.
It is important for us to keep in our mind that
there is no resurrection without pain, suffering
and he opened his arms on the cross for our sake.
Let us give thank to the Lord
for the graces we have received and also for the cross we are taking up in our life.

Tak ada kebangkitan yang mulia tanpa luka, sengsara dan derita.
Tak ada kebahagiaan tanpa kesedihan dan duka sebelumnya.
Tak ada kehidupan tanpa ada pengorbanan dan bahkan kematian.
Itu semua menjadi bermakna ketika kita tahu arti salib Putera Bapa.

Menang sangat tidak mudah untuk bisa menerima ini semua.
Sama seperti para rasul yang tak bisa mengerti akan perkataan Tuhan sendiri.
Tapi akan tiba saatnya ketika bibir kita akan diam terkatub menyaksikan itu semua.
Akan tiba waktunya kita diam seribu bahasa atas aneka fakta hidup yang harus kita terima.
Akan datang harinya ketika Tuhan membuktikan kekuatan ilahiNya dalam kerapuhan kita sebaga manusia.
Pada saat itu hendaknya kita berterima kasih atas teladan salib Tuhan dalam kehidupan ini.
Kita  mensyukuri iman yang telah kita hayati sebagai konsekwensi dari  pemuridan.
Kita  percaya bahwa di dalam segala situasi hidup, Tuhan selalu bersama kita.
Menolak salib berarti menolak rahmat keabadian dari Tuhan.

Tuhan tak pernah mengeluh ketika menderita supaya aku bahagia di surga.
Maka akupun berusaha untuk begitu bila saat yang sama tiba dalam hidupku.


Sabtu, 24 September 2011

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